Blackwork Starter Kits

Remember when your mother sat with you and taught you to sew?  I've been told that my beginners blackwork instructions are the next best thing!

When you are learning something new and it just gets too difficult what do you do? Put it down to try another day? But does that day ever come?

Let me hold your hand through your learning period and explain how to do blackwork. With just a little practice you will feel confident enough to tackle those bigger, more complex designs.

What is in a kit?

blackwork little owl

Little Owl

The most popular Starter Kit has to be this cute owl. Cross stitch (for his eyes) and three simple blackwork fill patterns are used to bring him to life. A must stitch for the owl lover.

Design size: 3.4 x 3.3 inches

Kit £5.00

(inc VAT)





blackwork rocking horse

Rocking Horse

Three easy blackwork fill patterns are used and explained in this design. Ideal for use as a small birth congratulations sampler or card by adding the relevant details under the horse’s body. Available with pink or blue threads.

Design size: 4 x 4 inches

Kit £5.90

(inc VAT)






blackwork rabbit

Run Rabbit Run

Slightly larger than the first two, this Starter kit introduces simple shading. A border design is also included. A lovely picture for a nursery wall.

Design size: 5 x 2.8 inches

Kit £6.00

(inc VAT)









Have fun learning how to do blackwork and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.