Blackwork Cats
three designs borrow a technique from Assissi
work, where the subject
is left blank and the background stitched.
Instructions are included in
this kit for making it up into a needlecase
Design size: 8.25 x 5.25”
Kit £9.90
Chart £5.50
Blackwork Dogs
Folded down the centre this design can also
be made up into a needlecase (needlebook).
Design size: 6 x 3” (as shown framed)
Kit £8.00
Chart £5.50
Blackwork Swans
A larger design, this is beautiful framed.
Black swans are often seen in Australia (or so my
uncle who lives out
there told me).
Design size: 9.25 x 5.5”
Kit £8.00
Chart £5.50